Specializing in Knee, Shoulder, Ankle Surgery
To Contact the Office or Schedule an Appointment
OFFICE PHONE: 212 319 6500

the Field in
Reconstructive Arthroscopic Surgery and Sports Medicine
#1 in Sports Injuries
News //
MAY 2022 Another successful MENISCUS ALLOGRAFT TRANSPLANT was performed for a patient whose meniscus had been severely injured and deemed irreparable. Using a fresh allograft (cadaver) the whole meniscus was transplanted into the patients knee reproducing the cushioning effect of the original meniscus.
FEBRUARY 2022 New research regarding mesenchymal stem cells is becoming very exciting and may be appropriate for a very specific subset of patients with early arthritis. I have been doing these procedures since 2016 and have had very positive results. Future research will afford us data to show the true efficacy of this modality and the specific situations where the best situations are to use this treatment. Mesenchymal fat cells have more bio-activity than blood (PRP) or bone marrow aspirates. Fat can be harvested from the abdominal area and injected into the affected joint via the Lipogems technique.
Contact Information:
Andrew H. Turtel MD
333 East 56th Street Ground Floor New York, NY USA 10022
View map
Phone 212 319 6500
Fax 212 319 6799
Email aturtelmd@gmail.com
Other staff in my practice:
Diane Coyne-Office Manager
Laura Scott
Diana Paulino
Knee Arthroscopy
ACL Surgery

World Class Orthopedic Care
Equally important to the treatment they receive, each patient should be educated about the problems for which they are seeking my advice. Unfortunately, all too often in medicine, the physician makes the diagnosis and tells the patient what to do without including the patient in the educational and decision making process. Making sure that the patient fully comprehends the problem, as well as the rationale for the suggested course of action, increases the ability to communicate with the physician thoughout the course of treatment, hence maximizing the likelihood of a successful outcome. I strive to be more than just a technician, and would like to include the patient in the team approach to the care they receive.
In addition, I am the sole provider of care in the office. Patients are not evaluated by nurses, students or assistants. History taking and decision making including going over test results is between me and the patient.
Finally, when you call the office there is a person answering the phone without endless waiting or transferring of calls. The staff in the office currently averages 13 years of service with me, so they know how to get things done the right way.

Diagnostic Imaging
Diagnostic Imaging
We have in-office X-ray. If needed, this can be done at the time of the consultation. This saves time and effort so patients can have their imaging done and assesed in a matter of minutes.
Sports Medicine & Arthroscopic Surgery
-Any and all surgery about the knee including Stem cell and Microfracture Technique - Utilizing the Newest Technology
- Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
- Rotator Cuff Tears/Impingement - All Shoulder Injuries

What You Need to Know and Ask Before Choosing a Surgeon
- Knowing the right questions to ask
- When is the right time to have surgery
- Exploring non-invasive alternatives